The Arizona Surfers

here comes the Pacific

Posted By on February 16, 2011 in 8westproject | 0 comments

New options are on the rise for surfers in the desert.

Researchers at the University of Arizona project that the sea level will rise 1 meter – three whole feet – by the year 2100. Why does this matter? Why do they care? Good questions.

It matters because it brings the ocean closer to me, to us. 

It cuts down our commute, and inspires the pipe dream of beachfront property in Yuma. Our grandchildren’s grandkids won’t have to pack five people in a four seat car for six hours to find flat, blown-out surf. Instead, they’ll just put on their iPhone jetpacks and tweet (replaced traveling in 2065) only a few minometers (time will be metric by 2100) to the surf.

But why UA researchers? Whose only water source is the on-campus turtle pond? Because they’re bored in the desert too. So begin the countdown to 2100 – and watch out Jacumba, Calif., your Subway and gas station are going to be much less convenient when they’re underwater.

And of course, if this doesn’t work out, we’ll just get one of these. They look affordable:

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